Rabu, 27 Desember 2017

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Kim Jong Hyun's Death Teaches Me Life

It's been 10 days after Kim Jong Hyun passed away on December 18, 2017. His death brought so much tears from his family, friends, fans, and also other KPop fans. No one ever expected that he would have gone by taken his own life because he felt depressed. He was such bright and funny person. Even before he is dead, he already finished his concert, filming a variety show "Night Goblin, and filming his MV for his solo comeback next year in 2018. The Director of the MV and Night Goblin said that he was so bright and fun and never thought that he felt depressed.

pic from twt @gehenna1986

He was found dead by police after they received a call from his sister on 4 PM that she thought his brother was about to commit a suicide. Unfortunately police arrived at his residence at 6 PM and found that there was a frying fan with brown liquid and Jong Hyun died by carbon monoxide poisoning.

Later than his death's announcement, one of his friend said that he was frustrated because his ability in making music was worsening. The next day, Nine9 revealed the letter from Jong Hyun, that he asked her to publish after he's gone. In letter, he wrote about how depressed he was and the pain he felt.

After hearing the news of his death, I was so shock and didn't believe it at first. I was Shinee's fan when I first time listened to KPop and as far as I know he never caused any problems or scandals that would made him took his life and I also like his solo music. However, we may never knew what other people have been through in their life.

When I knew the reason behind his death was depression, it reminded me of the message of BTS' new album Love Yourself: Her. The teaser of this album told about their concern of  social problem such as depression and suicide. Especially in RM and V's photo teaser, there was an Ambigram or words written "I'm Fine" but if we turn upside down, the words can be read as "Save Me". It was such a depth meaning about someone who looks fine outside but actually he/she needs help inside.

At first when I watched "I Need U" MV by BTS, I always thought that they are so overreacted when they have problem. I mean like they are not supposed to be that depressed maybe because fortunately I never felt that way and my society is also fine. Until I found the reason that BTS wants to bring a message about the struggle of people who are depressed. Then I realized that the other part of this world, there are some people who have this kind of problem. Especially in the advanced country like USA, Japan, and Korea, which have a high suicide rate, whereas in my country, Indonesia, we barely hear news about it.

Jong Hyun's case made me feel very grateful to be born as a Moslem. We are taught that when we have problem we have Allah who will helps us and He never gives something that beyond our ability. He always has the answer in every problem through His Kalam in Koran. Maybe that's why every time I have a hard time, I always tell my problem to Him in my prayer. I also share it to my best friends because after that I feel so much better.

Unfortunately not many people have this belief, people who have hardship are in different condition, different religion, different culture, etc. Family, friends, and society play an important role of someone's condition. That's why I'm wondering if my friends or family have this kind of hardship and I want them to share their pain so it can make them feel better.

Everyone must be has a hardship. Everyone is struggling for his life. There is someone who is struggling physically or psychically. However there must be a way out of that situation. We have to believe that. We gotta endure the pain until the pain vanishes because we live in this world for a reason. We also need to watch our family and friends who might need our help, at least be there for them so they don't feel lonely.

In Jong Hyun's letter stated this sentence "when the doctor blamed my personality with a quiet voice, I thought it was easy to be a doctor." Here, I realized again that we need to be careful about what we say anything to someone else. It might hurt our communicant indirectly and became a wound in their heart. I always remember what Rasulullah SAW said "just say good things or remain silent." Sometime we just need to change our perspective to understand other people. Like my case which I didn't know about the depression before watching BTS MV.

Finally I can say by what BTS say in their latest album, Love Yourself, Love Myself. Let's live wisely.
Continue reading Kim Jong Hyun's Death Teaches Me Life

Senin, 04 Desember 2017

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Review Film Coco

Antara Keluarga dan Impian

Dalam rangka Hari Thanksgiving, Disney dan Pixar hadir menyuguhkan film animasi terbaru berjudul Coco. Film ini menceritakan tentang makna mengejar mimpi dan kehadiran keluarga. Dengan latar belakang kehidupan budaya Meksiko, tokoh utama dalam film ini adalah seorang anak laki-laki berusia 12 tahun bernama Miguel. Miguel adalah salah cicit dari buyutnya bernama Coco.

Miguel memiliki sejarah silsilah keluarga yang sangat rinci dan selalu dilestarikan dengan diceritakan kepada keturunan di keluarganya. Keluarganya adalah pengusaha sepatu yang dimulai dari ibu buyutnya Miguel yaitu ibu Coco. Ibu Coco memulai bisnis sepatu karena ditinggalkan oleh suaminya yang lebih memilih mengejar musik dari pada keluarga. Hingga karena hal ini seluruh keluarga Migeul dilarang berurusan dengan musik, tetapi harus disibukkan dengan sepatu yang menjadi mata pencarian buyut-buyutnya.

Namun darah seni tetap mengalir di tubuh Miguel. Secara diam-diam ia pun belajar bermusik dan membangun sebuah tempat rahasia untuk mengembangkan bakatnya tanpa sepengetahuan keluarganya.  Hingga ada sebuah kompetisi musik di dekat kota yang ingin sekali Migeul ikuti, sayangnya hal itu ditentang oleh keluarganya.

Bertepatan dengan hari perayaan Orang Mati di Mexiko, Migeul pun nekad kabur di malam hari untuk mengikuti kompetisi musik tersebut. Sayangnya untuk mengikuti kompetisi itu, Migeul harus memiliki alat musik. Ia pun akhirnya pergi ke pemakaman untuk "meminjam" gitar yang tergantung di makam penyanyi idolanya yang ia yakini sebagai kakek buyutnya.

Seketika ia mengambil gitar tersebut, tanpa sadar Migeul sudah berada di dunia Orang Mati. Ia tidak bisa terlihat oleh keluarganya yang masih hidup, tetapi ia dapat dilihat dan melihat orang mati yang digambarkan dengan tengkorak dalam film ini. Di dunia ini pun ia bertemu dengan seluruh keluarganya yang sudah meninggal. Kebenaran mengenai sejarah keluarga pun terkuak saat Minguel berpetualang di negeri ini untuk kembali pulang.

Film Coco mengenalkan kita tentang budaya Día de los Muertos atau peringatan hari Orang Mati di Meksiko. Betapa keluarga yang masih hidup memiliki peran penting kepada keluarga mereka yang sudah meninggal. Keluarga di Meksiko melestarikan budaya ini agar roh dapat kembali pulang ke rumah saat hari Peringatan Orang Mati tiba menurut kepercayaan budaya mereka.

Pada hari kematian ini mereka memasang foto keluarga mereka dari mulai buyut hingga keluarga yang baru saja meninggal di atas sebuah altar. Kemudian mereka menaburkan bunga dari pemakaman hingga ke altar rumah mereka. Tujuannya adalah agar mereka tidak tersesat saat kembali ke rumah dan dapat berkumpul serta melihat keluarga mereka yang masih hidup.

Selain itu Coco mengajarkan arti penting tentang kehadiran keluarga dan mengejar mimpi. Mengenai hal ini,  Coco seperti berusaha untuk berada di dua pihak, si anak dan keluarga. Melalui cerita Miguel, Coco mengajarkan keluarga atau orang tua untuk tetap mendukung mimpi anak-anak mereka dan tidak membatasi atau melarang hal yang menjadi kesukaan mereka.

Tetapi dari sisi keluarga, Coco mencoba mengajarkan kepada anak-anak bahwa keluarga adalah tempat terbaik di dunia. Keluarga adalah tempat kembali dan akan selalu menerima keadaan kita. Keluarga sebenarnya hanya menginginkan hal yang terbaik bagi anak-anak mereka di masa depan.

Mengenai animasi tidak perlu diragukan lagi, Disney dan Pixar selalu menguguhkan karya terbaik. Kali ini latar belakang film Coco didominasi oleh warna ungu untuk bangunan-bangunan yang ada di negeri Orang Mati dan warna Orange yang menjadi jembatan Orang Mati untuk mengunjungi keluarganya yang masih hidup.

Bila kebanyakan film dan mindset kita menggambarkan dunia Orang Mati adalah dunia yang menakutkan, Disney/Pixar mencoba menggambarkan bahwa dunia Orang Mati tidaklah menakutkan. Justru dunia ini tidak kalah indahnya dengan dunia orang hidup. Melalui petualangan Migeul, kehidupan Orang Mati diilustrasikan sama halnya seperti kehidupan manusia biasa. Hanya saja ada perbedaan yang tidak bisa dilakukan mereka di dunia itu.

Karakter tengkorang dalam film ini juga tidak digambarkan begitu menyeramkan. Tentu saja karena pertimbangan lainnya adalah untuk penonton anak-anak, karakter tengkorang berusaha digambarkan dengan bentuk dan aksi yang lucu.

Sayangnya sebelum film Coco diputar, Disney menyajikan film pendek Frozen: Olaf’s Frozen Adventure diawal film. Awalnya saya pikir dari kisah Frozen ini akan disambungkan menjadi awal cerita film Coco. Ternyata film ini dijadikan film pembuka. Kehadiran film pendek inipun menjadi kontroversi di beberapa negara terutama di Meksiko karena durasinya yang terlalu panjang untuk dikatakan film pendek.

Selain itu menurut mereka Disney terkesan ingin menunjukkan film yang banyak terisi orang kulit putih terlebih dahulu baru kulit hitam. Saya sendiri pun sempat berpikir apakah saya salah masuk studio karena Frozen took too much time on screen. Hampir saja saya ingin meninggalkan studio dan bertanya pada petugas kalau saja film Coco tidak segera juga muncul.

Continue reading Review Film Coco

Jumat, 24 November 2017

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BTS: Beyond The Scene, Beyond the Music

Their success debut in USA

BTS has just finished his debut in American TV through their performance "DNA" in American Music Awards. It made them became the 1st Kpop group that performed there and the 2nd Korean Artist after Psy, who is famous because of the single Gangnam Style  in 2012. Their debut in US was never been planned before. It came out because so many invitation came from US.

AMAs was their 2nd appearance in the biggest music event in America after their 1st in Billboard Music Awards (BBMAs). They even brought home an award in BBMAs as Top Social Artist with 300 million votes. That was an award that Justin Bieber got for 5 years in a row. But this year it was given to BTS.

The appearance BTS in America attracted many media in America. It was like everyday in 10 days while they were in US, they had so many interviews in radios in LA. They even were invited to have exclusive interviews in the 3 big tv shows in America such as Late Late Show, Jimmy Kimmel, and Ellen Show.

That was such an amazing achievement they had. When they return to Korea, many media comes to the airport to report their coming back home with the glory. They truly make their country proud of them.  

Start from the bottom with a lot of talents

Who doesn’t proud of them when they can gain this huge popularity when they started the music from the bottom? They come from the small agency with the worry whether they would ever make debut or not. Even when they finally made debut, they almost want to disband. However because of their hard work without stop, finally they rich the top.

I became a fan of them started last year when they release Young Forever with the title track Fire. It was my friend who introduced me to them. She always shared anything about BTS to me, then finally when they made comeback with Fire, they really fired me and I start to get to know them through their previous music and videos.

Their music is not only about love between man and woman like many others group always sing. But they also bring about the story of our life as teenagers, a young people, and even about social issue that might people face in daily life. Their performance on stage is also no joke. They are well known for hard choreography. And yeah, their choreography is so energetic and powerful that will make you sweat when you try to follow.

As a one year fan, I already follow them with 3 comebacks. The music they brought in every comeback, I can say that it's getting better for the quality and even the genres. The themes in every comeback are also interested. They were inspired by classic literature that they put mysteriously in every teaser images or videos. It always makes their fans happily and curiously guessing the meaning behind their teaser and also the MV if it comes out. It seems like they educate their fans to read books, tho. I really like this concept.

Steve Aoki, a DJ who collaborates with BTS in Mic Drop Remix, stated in an interview with Billboard, “they're so creative on every level. On their dance, on their sound, on their style, their flow, creatively musically, creatively on the fashion tip.” I think what Steve Aoki said is true. They are so amazing not only about the music but also in every aspect. Each member has their own capacity that complete the group.

In KPop usually boy groups and girl groups don't compose or write their music by themselves. The agency of the group prepare composer and song writer separatedly, so the main job for the Idol is only to sing and dance. However BTS write their music by themselves with the help of their producers as well. Since then many other group in KPop start to write the music by themselves. 

Learn from them 

When I get to know more about them, there so many things I can learn. They teach us to have big dreams, work hard, to think about social issues, to maximize their potency, and to have amazing team work. It makes me amazed and proud to know there is such a boy band like that in this world.

However at the same time I also feel so small. Whenever I see them work hard to make their music. I feel like I also want to do something like that. Not in music of course. But I want to create something amazing with the skill I have. I want to be busy like them. I want to say, “ I already worked hard.”

I want to break my limit but I don’t even know what is my limit and how to challenge myself. I want to do something that can change my life better and also be advantage for my social life, for my mom, my relatives, and also for my religion. But I don’t know what should I do. I already in the age of my 20’s and I really wanna do something but how I can’t think about what should I do. However I still have my dream and I'm working my best to pursue it. At least if there is a competition, I always try to join if that something I can do.

BTS with their music, with something they have done in 7 years already make them now. Become the most famous boy band in the world with the a lot of achievements. They also have such amazing attitude toward everyone esp their fans. They treat their fans so well like their family. Even when many interviewers ask about what the rudest thing their fans made, they always answer that no such things happened, they love all everything about their fans because what make them today is their fans. They really appreciate their fans.

BTS is such boy band you can learn from. They teach us not only about music and social issue. So many people in their surroundings always say that they have really good manner towards senior, even just for staffs for every people they cooperate, they always help and greeting them one by one. That kind of the manner and behavior only big people have. Once again I learn so much from them.

Moreover, their friendship in the group is the most envious for me. As the only kid in family, I really want to have such sibling like them. It will never happen though, but I hope someday I'll have co-worker and also a husband like them. lol.

Continue reading BTS: Beyond The Scene, Beyond the Music

Senin, 06 November 2017

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Resensi Buku Selimut Debu karya Agustinus Wibowo

Menyelami kehidupan di Afghanistan

Ketika travelling ke luar negeri kita pasti cenderung memilih tempat wisata menarik seperti ke negara-negara di Eropa, Amerika, atau Asia lainnya. Berbeda dengan kebanyakan orang, Agustinus Wibowo justru memilih untuk travelling ke negara-negara konflik seperti Afghanistan. Berbekal niat untuk melakukan perjalanan ke Afrika melalui jalur darat, Agustinus melalui buku Selimut Debu mengajak kita mengikuti petualangannya menjadi backpacker sebagai fotografer jurnalis di Afghanistan.

Agustinus melakukan perjalanan di tahun 2006 ketika Taliban sudah tidak lagi menguasai Afghanistan. Tetapi bukan berarti tanpa ancaman, sering kali Agustinus berada di kota yang setiap malamnya selalu ada bom meledak seperti di kota Kabul. Saking sering terjadinya ledakan bom, ini bukan menjadi hal yang mengkhawatir lagi bagi warga Afgahnistan.

Berada di Afghanistan bagaikan menembus lorong waktu ke peradaban lama. Agustinus menyebutnya dengan dunia paralel. Di malam hari, kota di Afghanistan menjadi gelap total.Tidak ada penerangan. Untuk berkendaraan pun butuh waktu yang lama untuk mencapai ke kota lain. Alat angkutan di sana sangat terbatas. Sekalinya ditemui satu angkutan, angkutan itu sudah terisi penuh oleh penumpang lainnya. Angkutannya pun bukanlah Toyota Carry atau Toyota Kijang seperti mikrolet di Jakarta, tetapi berupa Fallang Coach. Kendaraan yang sudah tua dan berjalan dengan kecepatan lambat.

Di balik keterbelakangan dan kengerian di Afghanistan, tersimpan keindahan dan keunikan negeri ini. Orang-orang Afghanistan adalah orang-orang yang sangat menghargai tamu. Setiap kali Agustinus menginap di rumah salah satu warganya, ia selalu dijamu dengan baik oleh sang tuan rumah. Meskipun para wanita di sana tidak boleh terlihat oleh tamu laki-laki, sang istri tetap menjamu dengan baik. 

Keunikan di negeri ini ialah kita dapat membeli bedil yang modelnya seperti bedil buatan Amerika dengan harga yang murah. Mereka akan membuatkan bedil sesuai dengan keinginan kita dari berbagai model dan membuatnya hanya dalam hitungan hari. Tetapi jangan ditanya soal kualitasnya karena ini hanya bedil tiruan, tentu saja tidak bedil ini akan cepat rusak.

Adanya keterbelakangan Afgahnistan bukan berarti tidak ada kemewahan. Afghanistan memiliki pusat perbelanjaan dan tempat-tempat mewah. Sayangnya kemewahan ini kebanyakan dinikmati oleh orang-orang asing yang bekerja di Afghanistan. Seperti para developer dan juga orang-orang yang mengatasnamakan organisasi sosial untuk perubahan di Afghanistan yang sebenarnya tidak membawa perubahan.

Dalam buku ini Agustinus menulis catatan perjalanannya dengan begitu apik layaknya sebuah novel. Ia mampu menceritakan sejarah Afghanistan yang ia akan sambungkan dengan cerita perjalanannya tanpa terkesan dipaksakan atau menggurui. Tulisannya penuh dengan cerita humanis orang-orang yang ia temui di sepanjang perjalanannya dan pandangan-pandangan hidup yang ia peroleh selama perjalanan.

Seperti keprihatinan yang ia rasakan kepada perempuan Afghanistan yang aktivitasnya dibatasi sehingga tidak bisa hidup mandiri. Perempuan di sana hidup menjadi tanggungan ayahnya. Ayahnya lah yang menafkahi mereka. Jika ayahnya meninggal, maka menjadi tanggungan pamannya. Jika perempuan Afghanistan menikah, hidup mereka akan ditanggung oleh suami. Namun jika suaminya meninggal, ia akan menjadi tanggungan keluarganya kembali atau akan berakhir menjadi pengemis karena mereka tidak memiliki kemampuan untuk dapat hidup sendiri.

Melalui Selimut Debu, Agustinus memberikan gambaran kehidupan di Afghanistan secara transparan, yang baik dan juga yang buruk. Menyibak hal-hal tak terduga dan hal-hal yang menakjubkan dari negeri ini.  Mengajak kita merasakan bagaimana kehidupan masyarakat di sana. Merasakan apa yang mereka dambakan mengenai pendidikan yang merata dan juga kehidupan yang dapat memberikan penghasilan lebih baik untuk keluarga mereka. Serta memberikan pandangan baru mengenai kehidupan di negeri lain yang terkenal dengan negara perang ini. 
Continue reading Resensi Buku Selimut Debu karya Agustinus Wibowo

Selasa, 31 Oktober 2017

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Resensi Buku Norwegian Wood Karya Haruki Murakami

Kehidupan di Usia 20 Tahun

Usia 20 Tahun di negara Asia Timur seperti Jepang dan Korea merupakan titik awal seseorang dinyatakan menjadi dewasa. Saat menjadi dewasa tentu banyak hal yang mewarnai hidup kita. Tentang cinta, kehidupan sosial dengan teman, hingga pergolakan jiwa dalam menghadapi permasalahan hidup.

Kehidupan menjadi seseorang yang baru dewasa ini coba dilukiskan oleh Haruki Murakami melalui novel Norwegian Wood. Novel yang menceritakan kisah Tori Watanabe tentang kehidupannya sebagai seorang pemuda dan orang-orang yang ada di sekelilingnya.

Lagu Norwegian Wood karya the Beatles yang diputar setelah pendaratan pesawat yang ditumpangi Watanabe saat tiba di Hamburg membawa kembali semua memori kehidupannya delapan belas tahun yang lalu.  Kehidupannya di usia 20 tahun dan bayangan wanita bernama Naoko yang ia cintai. Banyangan itu muncul di hadapannya mengantarkan kita menelusuri kehidupan masa muda Watanabe.

Watanabe adalah pemuda biasa yang tidak terlalu pintar dalam bidang akademik. Dia justru cenderung menjauh dari lingkungannya dan memiliki pandangan dan selera berbeda dari kebanyakan teman-temannya. Tetapi bukan berarti dia tak memiliki teman dekat. Ia mempunyai beberapa teman yang akan dikenalkan oleh Murakami dalam novel ini. Ia juga merupakan orang yang menyenangkan dan dapat menerima kondisi teman dan temannya apa adanya.

Sebenarnya tidak ada yang terlalu menarik dalam kehidupan Watanabe. Kehidupannya berjalan seperti pemuda lainnya dengan bumbu-bumbu kisah cinta di dalamnya. Hanya saja cara penggambaran Murakami dalam novel ini membuat saya ingin terus membacanya. Murakami sangat detail dalam menggambarkan situasi dan cara berpikir tokoh-tokohnya. Entah dalam bentuk narasi ataupun dialog. Saya dapat dengan jelas membayangkan bagaimana situasi tokoh dan sekelilingnya hingga hal terkecil sekalipun. Layaknya menonton sebuah film.

Tidak hanya sekedar kisah cinta, Murakami dalam novel ini juga menggambarkan bagaimana situasi kehidupan anak muda di Jepang pada tahun 1969. Setiap tokoh yang hidup dekat dengan Watanabe memiliki cerita tentang permasalahan sosial. Salah satunya adalah kasus bunuh diri yang banyak dilakukan anak muda Jepang pada zaman tersebut.

Seperti penggambaraan dua sahabat Watanabe yang diceritakan bunuh diri, yaitu Kizuki dan Naoko, wanita yang dicintai Watanabe. Bahkan Naoko juga bercerita padanya bahwa kakaknya meninggal karena melakukan bunuh diri.

Mengenai kasus bunuh diri ini, secara tidak langsung Murakami mengkritik melalui monolog Watanabe kepada Kizuki. Ia memilih untuk terus bertahan hidup menahan rasa sakit menunggu kesembuhan Naoko yang sedang berada di sanatorium. Tidak lantas hanya mengkritik, Murakami juga memberi kalimat penyejuk atau penyemangat untuk berjuang melalui pergolakan hidup melalui dialog antar tokoh dan pemikiran Watanabe.

Bisa dibilang saya langsung jatuh cinta dengan karya Haruki Murakami karena buku Norwegian Wood ini dan siap untuk membaca karya lainnya.
Continue reading Resensi Buku Norwegian Wood Karya Haruki Murakami

Perkenalanku dengan buku Haruki Murakami.

Sudah sejak lama aku tertarik ingin membeli buku Norwegian Wood yang terpampang di rak buku Gramedia setiap kali aku mampir ke bagian novel best seller. Cover yang menarik dan sebuah novel fiksi yang biasanya akan aku beli. Tetapi entah mengapa tangan ini tak pernah menyentuhnya untuk dibawa pulang, bahkan aku lupa apakah aku pernah mengecek harganya hingaa aku tak pernah membelinya.

Tiba suatu hari saat aku membaca Botchan karya Natsume Sōseki di kantor dan bertanya pada bos ku yang orang Jepang, apakah ia sudah membacanya atau belum. Pertanyaan yang seharusnya tidak ditanyakan pada orang Jepang yang kebanyakan hobi membaca. Ia pun merekomendasikan buku Natsume Sōseki lainnya berjudul I am A Cat dan bertanya apakah aku pernah membaca karya-karya Haruki Murakami. Botchan adalah buku Jepang kedua yang aku baca setelah Toto Chan. Tentu saja aku menjawab aku belum pernah membacanya. Ia pun menjelaskan bahwa Ia adalah peraih nobel pertama di Asia.

Langsung saja aku googling namanya dan ternyata karyanya adalah buku yang selama ini terpampang di rak Gramedia. Yang ingin aku beli tapi belum terlaksana. Aku pun berniat membelinya tapi entah kenapa selalu buku lain yang akhirnya masuk dalam belanjaan bukuku. Akhirnya aku pun memilih untuk mengunduh e-book nya saja dan membacanya ketika ada banyak waktu senggang di kantor dan di kosan.

Aku merasa menjadi orang yang telat sekali untuk mengetahui karya-karya legendaris ini. Aku baru tahu di usia segini tentang Haruki Murakami dan prestasinya. Salah satu anggota boy band Korea Rap Monster dari BTS saja sudah menyebutnya sebagai salah satu penulis favortinya yang aku baru ketahui belakang ini. At least it’s better late than nothing, right!

Berikut resensi ku mengenai buku Norwegian Wood karya Haruki Murakami.

Continue reading Perkenalanku dengan buku Haruki Murakami.

Sabtu, 14 Oktober 2017

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After Joining V.Friends Season 3

KG, the admin of V.Friends Season 3 has just announced the winners and grand winners of the final mission. It means this event has finally ended. Unfortunately I didn’t win this time. I already got a feeling coz my review was not so good last time.

When it finishes, it reminds me how I could join this event. I joined because of an article in AllKpop. I just tried to register without too much hope. Then I got an email that I was chosen as a part of it. Even I forgot that I had ever registered for this event. I never expected to be chosen before because they actually needed people who have special KPop account and have many followers on their social media. My social media account doesn't have even 1k followers but I'm still accepted. So, I felt so lucky and grateful.

To participate in this event, I only need to make review of the content they ask to us. At first I actually wished, it will end very soon coz I’m embarrassed to write the review about Kpop in my IG account. However, when it finally ends, I’m so sad and tbh I’m crying (lol). It because I had so many good times being able to participate in this event. Even though I and other participants never meet and only chat through our group chat in Line, I feel happy to know them who come from all over the world because we can share about Kpop and stuff.

From this event I feel grateful being able to train myself writing in English. Something I only did when I was in English course. I also finally could make reviews again after a long time a long time ago I wrote some book reviews. It was such a good chance to practice my skill again.

I always wanted to get a package from overseas and God granted by this event. They always give us good gifts if we win every mission. They shipped them from US. By this event, I already won 3 times out of 7 missions they gave. On my first win, I got a gift card from Allkpop and it changes into a sweatshirt and tote bag. The sweatshirt is actually an outfit that I always dream and now it becomes my favorite outfit. I got GOT7 signed CD and my last win I got official merchandise from Bigbang.

Since this event has finished, maybe it would be hard for me to get the gifts from overseas again lol. But I should continue a good side from this event. I should write more again to maintain this good behavior.

Well the grand prize of this event is a pair of tickets trips to Korea. I didn’t expecting this prize when I join this event. But the prizes of weekly winners, monthly winners, and even the grand winners already give us courage to make good reviews. I also thought it could be my chance to go to Korea. So, I tried my best. Unluckily, I didn’t win the grand prize, so I will search another chances. There will always way to go to Korea and to go abroad, I believe.

Finally, I could say, being able to be chosen as a part of V.Friends Season 3 is one of the happiest moment of this year.

Continue reading After Joining V.Friends Season 3

Minggu, 24 September 2017

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V.Friends S3: Explore Hawaii with BTS

Last year, BTS and VLive+ were successfully held program “BTS Bon Voyage” in North Europe that was broadcasted in V App. This year they came back again with the new Season for BTS Bon Voyage in Hawaii. BTS Bon Voyage is a program, where BTS have a special trip abroad. During this trip they had to care everything by themselves without the help of their managers.
Since it’s aired in VLive+, for watching the package of BTS Bon Voyage Season 2, we have to buy coins in V App. The package is worth for 800 coins. There are 18 broadcasts that consist of 8 Episodes of BTS members’ trip, 8 episodes of Behind Cam, 1 video broadcast of BTS commentary live and photo essay of their trip.

The program package of BTS Bon Voyage Season 2 is really worth to buy because this package is like the package guide tour in Hawaii. Here, BTS showed us where the best places to explore, to stay, to hangout, to eat and other things we can do when we are in Hawaii. They will show us different places to explore in each episode.
Let’s explore Hawaii with BTS
There was a reason why Bon Voyage Season 2 was held in Hawaii. In BTS Bon Voyage Season I, all BTS members were asked where they wanted to travel to. Then they mostly answered want to go to Hawaii. So, V Live granted their wishes and they were so excited to explore Hawaii together for the first time.

In Hawaii they visited two Islands, Big Island and Oahu Island. In each island, they spent their trip for three days. The first day in Big Island, they started their trip by snorkeling in the ocean. We could see here how beautiful Hawaii under the sea and how BTS members all enjoyed swimming and diving there.

On the second day in Big Island, they continued their trip by visiting Akaka Waterfall in the day, seeing the beautiful sunset in Mauna Kea and enjoying the sky night in Observatory in Mauna Kea. Last day in Big Island, they were having a volcano tour. It was such one of the best experiences they had in Hawaii because in volcano tour they were able to see the active volcano in Hawaii from above by riding helicopter.

After enjoying their trip in Big Island, they spent another three days in Oahu Island. They had so many interesting activities while in Oahu Island. They had sharks tour, where they met the sharks in front their eyes. Naturally, it is the safe tour, because to meet the sharks, all BTS members are swimming inside a cage, while the sharks were swimming the outside. At first, Rap Monster and J-Hope were scared that the sharks would attack them. But once they dived in, they really enjoyed it and found it cool.

The next day, they were having their morning together in Kualoa Beach to have breakfast and play some games. In the day, they rode ATV in Kualao Ranch. Here, they visited the place where “King Kong: Skull Island” were filmed and a Dinosaurs Museum, where we can see the imitation of Dinosaurs’ skeleton. After that in the end of the day, they had cultural trip by visiting Polynesian Cultural Center to watch the folk dance and song.

Last day in Oahu Island, they spent their time by surfing on the ocean. Before start to surf, they first learnt it by the expert who can speak Korean. So, it’s easy for them to understand it. Then they started to conquer the wave in Waikiki beach. All BTS members really enjoyed surfing that they realized why people like to do this kind of water sport.

More than just a trip, it’s friendship trip
The goals of BTS Bon Voyage Season 2 were to renew the friendship among members and the meaning of each other. So everyday during the trip, they will be divided into 3 group to spend 3 hours together.
During friendship trip, the partner was always changed everyday. The staffs decided the partner with many different ways like from picking some food, taking a paper, playing mini bowling etc. However in the last day BTS members requested to have unusual partner, like Suga paired with V.

They may not use their personal cash to buy food and souvenirs during broadcast. The staff gave them some certain money. However to get the money, they had to do a mission or games. And the amount will be given differently according to the order of the winners of the games and mission. The first winner of course will get the highest, whereas the second and the last will be lower.

BTS members spent their friendship trip by searching the best place to eat according to the references they searched through Naver. They ate both local food and Korean food. No wonder, because when we are travelling, we should try the local food but sometimes we miss also our daily meals from our country.

They were having so much fun during the friendship trip. Not only search for food, they also played around together, got souvenir to mark their friendship, and even had serious conversations about their life and their future goals. From their conversation, we can learn many things such as hard work, feeling grateful for what we had, the meaning of life, and the meaning of friendship itself. In sort, their friendships always make me envy.
Boys in fun
As I mentioned earlier, BTS Bon Voyage Season 2 give us episodes of behind cam. This behind cam episode shows something that didn’t appear in regular episodes. Just like the name “behind cam”, it shows us what BTS members do when the camera looks “off” but actually it’s on. It could be something funnier or more serious and it will also make the scenes in regular episode becomes more detail.

For example, in regular episode Rap Monster asked Jin about definition of happiness for him and the reason why he asked him will be shown in behind cam. Behind cam also shows what BTS members do before and after woke up. Mostly in behind cam, they show us the video that being recorded by each of BTS members. In last episode, behind cam shows the interview of BTS members about the trip and also message for ARMY, their fans.

There are so many funny moments in BTS Bon Voyage Season 2 because we will be entertained by BTS members’ funny behaviors and acts during the trip. We could see how they enjoy the trip either as small group or as big group of 7 people. Take a look in episode 1, when they were having fun making a “music video” by themselves in shopping center in Hawaii that will make you laugh watching their funny acts.

Finally, BTS Bon Voyage Season 2 is worth to watch because it contains a lot of references for someone who is willing to travel in Hawaii or doesn’t know anything about Hawaii. It gives us insight about how good Hawaii is and what we can do and eat here. Even after watching this, I bought similar food they ate in this program and went to the beach in my country to spend my holiday. And I hope someday I will be able go to Hawaii.
buy the package and watch here: http://m.vlive.tv/product/ds00u00u00000035
Continue reading V.Friends S3: Explore Hawaii with BTS

Senin, 04 September 2017

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V.Friends S3: My Favorite Episode in August

BTS Bon Voyage Season 2 (BV S2) has reached its end on August 15. They have already completed 8 episode for BV and 8 episodes for Behind Came. BV is a program by VLive, that BTS have a special tour abroad. They have to take care everything during the tour by themselves without helps of their managers. Previously, BTS had BV Season 1 in North Europe and for this Season, they went to Hawaii. 
Hawaii was the place they wished when they were asked, where they wanted to go, if they had a chance to have a tour. Because most of them answered that they wanted to go Hawaii, the BV S2 granted they wish. 
From episode 1-7 they had so many awesome and fun experiences in Hawaii, such as seeing sharks, seeing volcano from helicopter, go surfing, go to Dinosaurs Museum, etc. The last episode or episode 8 is my favorite. They didn’t go to any tourism places but having their time together in the cruise.

In cruise, they got a video gift from the staff. The video was about the BTS’ journey since their debut until their 4 years. When they got all the 1st time winner, in music show, rookie award, daesang, and BBMA. They felt touch and didn’t believe they could go this far and felt so thankful to their fans. 
After watching the video, they moved to the outside of the cruise to read letters. The letter was made when they were still in the lodge and were asked to write a letter for a member. J-Hope wrote a letter for Suga, Suga for Jin, Jin for Jungkook, Jungkook for Rap Monster, Rap Monster for V, and finally V for Jimin.

They said, they felt cringe to write a letter for a member, since they lived together for more than 4 years including trainee time and it was such a long time ago they wrote to each other. But they still do it. 
By reading all the letters, we could know how BTS’ member love and take care of each other. They said about how they felt about that member, gave compliments and also suggestions. Among the letters of all the members, V’s letter to Jimin was very touching. Even he can’t help but shed a tear.

He said in the letter that he felt grateful for having Jimin always by his side in ups and downs since they were trainee. Jimin’s response to V’s letter was also made you feel the warmth of their friendship.
I really love this episode because I can see how the friendship in BTS not only about a group music who only sing and dance in the stage, but they also take care of each other. Making me envy to have such brothers or sisters like them. 
 If you want to watch BV S2, you need to purchase this on VLive+. They already made a package from episode 1-8 and also the behind came for each episode and also memory film that give you photos of the members during the tour. It’s so worth to buy.

Watch this : http://www.vlive.tv/video/32293/
Continue reading V.Friends S3: My Favorite Episode in August

Sabtu, 12 Agustus 2017

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V.Friends S3: When BTS Play a Skit

This week mission is a free mission. So I won’t post something related to K-Culture. But instead, I will review my favorite episode in VLive that related to KPop. The reason why I download a VApp is actually because of BTS. They are my favorite boy group that was introduced by my bestfriend.

As I mentioned in my previous post, almost all KPop group have a channel in VLive, so does BTS. Every Tuesday  in VLive, BTS has a special program. That is BTS RUN or BTS GAYO. This time I’ll review one of my favorite episodes on BTS RUN.

BTS came back in VLive for new season of BTS RUN after 6 months of last season. The title of this new season is still the continuation of the last episode. That wass BTS RUN Ep 11. BTS RUN is a program, where BTS is given a mission to do something. The mission could be playing role for a skit or playing other games.

In this episode they appeared in a classroom for playing a skit or mini comedy drama as students. The roles for each member were decided by picking up the paper in a glass. It was actually Jongkook, who ended up deliver the paper for each member. Surprisingly, the role for each member was really fit to the personality of the member in real life.

The sexy brain Rap Monster (Rapmon) played a role as a slow-witted student. He explained that his role was really fit to his trainee period. V got a role as the smartest student in the class, while Jimin played as a classroom leader who has an angelic smile. The oldest hyung Jin, played as the most handsome and popular student. Jungkook played as a cold but kind-hearted student and JHope played as a sensitive student was into literature. The last but least, the most anticipated appearance was Suga. He played as a GIRL transfer student. Yup A GIRL!

In this skit, only the roles and main theme were scripted, the dialogs and how they act was developed by BTS itself. So, before started the skit, they discussed about how and the order of the members to seduce Suga, who will play as a hard-to-get girl.

The skit started by the entering of the classroom leader, Jimin introducing the transfer student, Min Yoongi (Suga’s real name). Suga’s appearance as a girl will really shock you. He was truly so beautiful that made you feel failed as a girl. He looked exactly like a girl, if only his man’s gesture wasn’t there. At the end of VLive, Jimin even mentioned that Suga looked beautiful.

In this skit, all members were trying so hard to immerse into their characters that they way they shocked by the Suga’s beauty were so funny. The first member who started to seduce Suga was Rapmon. He tried hard to be like such an “idiot” student. However his act was interrupted by the smartest student, V, because he wanted to teach Suga English. The third one was Jungkook, who acted to become a cool boy by giving Suga his Jacket.

JHope then appeared by reading a poem for Suga. He even made artificial tears to be more emotional. His act became much funnier when he poured a bottle of water for his fake tears and Suga added by splashing him water unexpectedly. In my opinion, JHope’s act was the funniest, even it made other members burst into laugh.

Furthermore, Jimin then tried to seduce Suga, sadly he couldn’t finish his act because Suga refused him to come and he didn’t know what to do. Then Jimin pleased Jin to start his act.

About the Suga’s act in this skit, all his responses to the members’ dialogs were so slay that made the members taken aback. This is what made him funnier with everything he said.

After the skit ended, BTS shared their thoughts on playing the skit. Suga revealed that his appearance as a girl looked like his aunt. They also picked Jin as the MVP (most valuable person) for this skit. Finally, BTS RUN ended by showing us the behind the scene of the skit. Here, we can finally watch Jimin’s interaction with Suga female version that we couldn’t see in the skit.

All I can say that by watching this program, we can see another side of our idol other than in stage, where we can only see them dance and sing. It was also fun to watch them act like an actor and at the same time try to be funny.

Continue reading V.Friends S3: When BTS Play a Skit
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V.Friends S3: Celebrating BTS 4th Anniversary in VLive

2017 is the 4th year of BTS after their debut on June 13th, 2013. Every year to celebrate their anniversary, they make an event called BTS Festa that starts from the beginning of June. It ends with the main event on June 13th by making a party like a mini concert.

Fortunately, for International fans like me who can’t attend their party in Korea, we can still watch it live because it was broadcasted by VLive. It has been already twice since last year that BTS’s anniversary celebration was being broadcasted by VLive.

Unlike the 3rd anniversary that the broadcasting was only available for VLive+, which you have to pay if you want to watch it, this year, for the 4th anniversary, BTS and Vlive were very generous to broadcast it on regular VLIve. So, a poor fan like me can happily watch it. lol.

Every anniversary, BTS always gives us many special performances that we’ve never seen before. For example for the opening of this year party, they played a short music video (MV) parody of Blood, Sweat, and Tears. The MV was made in their dorm and the scenes in the MV were made according to the roommates of BTS members in their dorm. This MV parody will lead BTS welcoming us to their party stage by singing Look at Here (여기 봐).

Since the theme for their 4th anniversary was Home Party, the stage was decorated looked like a home where you can see doors, windows, family photos and a piano. They even dressed with pajamas, so did their fans.

In this party, they will compete against each roommates to decide who the best roommate in BTS was. The competition consisted of quiz, mission, and unit performance. During quiz and mission segment, they sat according to the roommate and they even had the names. They were “R&V” for Rap Monster and V, “3J” (Sam J) for JHope, Jimin and Jungkook, and “SIN” for Suga and JIN.

After having fun watching their funny interactions during that segment, they played the video of their preparation for unit performance competition. How they named their roommate team and what would they perform in the party.

The first performance was Rapmon and V, who sang a song “4 O’clock”. The song itself was made by V and Rapmon and had been released on BTS Festa. Because the song was a mellow song, they sang very emotionally that made you feel blue.

After felt emotional, you’ll be amazed by the second performance of 3J. JHope, Jimin, and Jungkook would give you a heart attack by their powerful dancing. No wonder because they are also in charge of dance in the group.

On the third one, SIN roommate would shock you. Other than show something to look cool, they show us an extraordinary thing. They exchange their role in group. Suga who is in charge of rap, sang Jin’s solo song “Awake”, while Jin who is in charge of vocal, rapped Suga’s rap, “Never Mind”. This was so lit.

At the end of the party, BTS seems like didn’t want to us leaving without being amazed, fun, and became more love. They made special performances of Fire, Boy in Luv and Dope. Dressing in pink mechanic uniforms, they performed a child version of those three songs. The dances and melodies were so cute that you didn’t want the party to end soon.

Finally I can say, it was really such a wonderful party. It was like, in their anniversary, they gave the fans such wonderful gifts of being a group loved by their fans. May BTS keeps growing as the best group who give the best music for everyone. Happy 4th anniversary BTS and thank you VLive for broadcasting the party!

watch here http://www.vlive.tv/video/31938/

Continue reading V.Friends S3: Celebrating BTS 4th Anniversary in VLive