Rabu, 27 Desember 2017

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Kim Jong Hyun's Death Teaches Me Life

It's been 10 days after Kim Jong Hyun passed away on December 18, 2017. His death brought so much tears from his family, friends, fans, and also other KPop fans. No one ever expected that he would have gone by taken his own life because he felt depressed. He was such bright and funny person. Even before he is dead, he already finished his concert, filming a...
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Senin, 04 Desember 2017

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Review Film Coco

Antara Keluarga dan Impian Dalam rangka Hari Thanksgiving, Disney dan Pixar hadir menyuguhkan film animasi terbaru berjudul Coco. Film ini menceritakan tentang makna mengejar mimpi dan kehadiran keluarga. Dengan latar belakang kehidupan budaya Meksiko, tokoh utama dalam film ini adalah seorang anak laki-laki berusia 12 tahun bernama Miguel. Miguel...
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Jumat, 24 November 2017

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BTS: Beyond The Scene, Beyond the Music

Their success debut in USA BTS has just finished his debut in American TV through their performance "DNA" in American Music Awards. It made them became the 1st Kpop group that performed there and the 2nd Korean Artist after Psy, who is famous because of the single Gangnam Style  in 2012. Their debut in US was never been planned before. It came...
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Senin, 06 November 2017

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Resensi Buku Selimut Debu karya Agustinus Wibowo

Menyelami kehidupan di Afghanistan Ketika travelling ke luar negeri kita pasti cenderung memilih tempat wisata menarik seperti ke negara-negara di Eropa, Amerika, atau Asia lainnya. Berbeda dengan kebanyakan orang, Agustinus Wibowo justru memilih untuk travelling ke negara-negara konflik seperti Afghanistan. Berbekal niat untuk melakukan perjalanan...
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Selasa, 31 Oktober 2017

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Resensi Buku Norwegian Wood Karya Haruki Murakami

Kehidupan di Usia 20 Tahun Usia 20 Tahun di negara Asia Timur seperti Jepang dan Korea merupakan titik awal seseorang dinyatakan menjadi dewasa. Saat menjadi dewasa tentu banyak hal yang mewarnai hidup kita. Tentang cinta, kehidupan sosial dengan teman, hingga pergolakan jiwa dalam menghadapi permasalahan hidup. Kehidupan menjadi seseorang yang baru...
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Perkenalanku dengan buku Haruki Murakami.

Sudah sejak lama aku tertarik ingin membeli buku Norwegian Wood yang terpampang di rak buku Gramedia setiap kali aku mampir ke bagian novel best seller. Cover yang menarik dan sebuah novel fiksi yang biasanya akan aku beli. Tetapi entah mengapa tangan ini tak pernah menyentuhnya untuk dibawa pulang, bahkan aku lupa apakah aku pernah mengecek harganya hingaa aku tak pernah membelinya. Tiba suatu hari...
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Sabtu, 14 Oktober 2017

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After Joining V.Friends Season 3

KG, the admin of V.Friends Season 3 has just announced the winners and grand winners of the final mission. It means this event has finally ended. Unfortunately I didn’t win this time. I already got a feeling coz my review was not so good last time. When it finishes, it reminds me how I could join this event. I joined because of an article in AllKpop. I just tried to register without too much hope....
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Minggu, 24 September 2017

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V.Friends S3: Explore Hawaii with BTS

Last year, BTS and VLive+ were successfully held program “BTS Bon Voyage” in North Europe that was broadcasted in V App. This year they came back again with the new Season for BTS Bon Voyage in Hawaii. BTS Bon Voyage is a program, where BTS have a special trip abroad. During this trip they had to care everything by themselves without the help of their managers. Since...
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Senin, 04 September 2017

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V.Friends S3: My Favorite Episode in August

BTS Bon Voyage Season 2 (BV S2) has reached its end on August 15. They have already completed 8 episode for BV and 8 episodes for Behind Came. BV is a program by VLive, that BTS have a special tour abroad. They have to take care everything during the tour by themselves without helps of their managers. Previously, BTS had BV Season 1 in North Europe and...
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Sabtu, 12 Agustus 2017

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V.Friends S3: When BTS Play a Skit

This week mission is a free mission. So I won’t post something related to K-Culture. But instead, I will review my favorite episode in VLive that related to KPop. The reason why I download a VApp is actually because of BTS. They are my favorite boy group that was introduced by my bestfriend. As I mentioned in my previous post, almost all KPop group have a...
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V.Friends S3: Celebrating BTS 4th Anniversary in VLive

2017 is the 4th year of BTS after their debut on June 13th, 2013. Every year to celebrate their anniversary, they make an event called BTS Festa that starts from the beginning of June. It ends with the main event on June 13th by making a party like a mini concert. Fortunately, for International fans like me who can’t attend their party in Korea, we can...
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