Jumat, 11 Mei 2018

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[V.Friends S4] BTS Café: Theory and Making Coffee

  • It has been half a year since BTS comeback last September 2017 and ARMY all over the world already miss them so much. Fortunately during that time, BTS still bless us with their weekly variety show twice a week in VLive. So, it can relieve our longing for them.

    This variety show is called BTS RUN. The theme of program in every week is different. It can be a skit drama, playing some games or learning other profession. The theme I will review for this article is BTS Café, which they will learn how to make a glass of coffee latte.

    Their costumes were already looked like a pro barista that they wore a white shirt and black apron, except for Jin, who wore a Cooky of BT21 costume as punishment of his lowest rank in previous episode.

    The show started by giving BTS a basic quiz about coffee, such as who the first Korean who tasted coffee is, who a well-known person that inspire a coffee brand’s name is, how long expiration of a coffee, and about their own song titled coffee. In the middle of this segment, Jin entertained us by giving a dad jokes that burst their fellow member and staffs into a laugh.

    To make a glass of coffee, there was an instructor who will teach them. He is Jang Hyun Woo, a judge of Korean Barista Championship in 2014. He first explained about the basic theory of coffee and they wrote down the information they got.

    Coffee was found in Ethiopia around 6th-7th centuries. Bean coffee that we drink basically is from the seeds that were removed from the flesh of coffee fruits. Coffee drinking culture came from Italy. When it is served, Italian will add sugar and take it for one shot. The feature of Italian’s Espresso is the balanced taste, instead of body/favor or the heaviness in mouth. Therefore, they add sugar while drink.

    Before BTS starting make their own latte, they will be taught about the coffee process or the term is packing. Firstly, they need to make espresso by dosing, it is a process where ground coffee will be poured into porter filter from a machine. Then do the leveling with finger to make the surface of ground coffee flat in the porter filter.

    After that, do the tamping by pressing the ground coffee once. Then, put the porter filter to the brew head or the machine coffee by turning it around till it’s clicked and inserted. We need to put the glass under it because the espresso will be out when we pressing brew button. Finally, we can taste the espresso. To check if the coffee we make comes from a fresh bean, we won’t see any black liquid when we pull the cup a bit.

  • Because Espresso might be bitter in the first drink, the instructor gave a way how to enjoy it better. Our mouth is coated with saliva, so we need to take it out by gargling the first sip of espresso and do not open our mouth while drinking, so that the fragrance will stay. The second sip will taste better, then enjoy the aroma and how smooth the coffee is. We also need to breathe out with the mouth close to enjoy the aftertaste.

    The espresso was ready, then BTS would taste it. They drank the way the instructor taught. But Suga and Jimin said that it tasted like red ginseng, while Jungkook’s frowning face couldn’t hide how bitter it is. However, because V doesn’t drink coffee, he didn’t taste it.

    Each of BTS members got a chance to make their own espresso. The instructor taught them how to steam milk to make the espresso become a latte. The steam milk will be poured on the top of coffee and make a heart shape. To make a heart shape, we need to pour the water almost a half of cup and stop it at the center. Viola! It became a cool heart and all member wowed it. All member also tried to make a heart shape. Funnily, it turned out to be an abstract shape lol. I think only V’s looked better.

    Finally, It was time for BTS making their own latte. RM made Shakerato latte, Jin made Rosy latte, Suga made Café Lemoni, J-Hope made Cocopresso latte, Jimin made Creamy latte, V made Injeolmi latte and Jungkook made Esproberry latte. And Jin’s coffee was picked as the best latte by the instructor.

  • Basically, I really like this episode because it really taught me about a coffee from the very basic knowledge. It's such a new thing for me since I don’t really pay much attention for coffee. I also think that BTS didn’t only entertain us but also give us a good knowledge.

    Another good things to see are the interaction and reaction of the members were also sweet and funny that made us not feel boring to watch them. They always compliment, care, and tease each other at the same time. Esp, when all member ordered hot chocolate for V and Jimin also drank coffee made by V because they know V doesn’t drink coffee.

    However watching this, will also make you craving for a coffee. I found out many fans in social media said that they bought a coffee after watching this. Even they taste it the way BTS tasted the espresso. It also happened to me. I was craving for Espresso and directly go to a coffee shop to buy a cup of hot espresso and a signature coffee latte.

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